The age old question returns: “What is wrong with people?”

Riot/Protest in Minneapolis

What is wrong with people?

by Dr. Lee Outlaw

 With the death of George Floyd in the news, the age old question returns: “What is wrong with people?”
In general the question seems to be both cross generational and cross cultural but overall the intricacy of the question can be broken down as follows:

The negative behavior of people (both individually and within any group) seems to be a result of the following:
1. People don’t think things through thoroughly
2. People generally tend to take the easy way out
3. People tend to care more about themselves than the greater good of others
4. People tend to care more about themselves than the law
5. People tend to care more about themselves than God and their faith
6. People care more about feelings than consequences
7. People tend to believe the unbelievable but can’t believe in an all knowing and all powerful God.

In the area of psychology, we refer to this study of people and what sometimes appears to be a less than normal and lack of common sense approach to life as “Social Psychology”.
Of course within secular psychology, the study of such is an attempt to scientifically understand and explain how thoughts, feelings, and behavior of people are influenced by the actual, imagined, or implied presence of others within society. Simply stated, social psychology is all about understanding how each person’s behavior is influenced by others and their social surroundings; a.k.a “peer pressure” as we have seen in the protest and riots all across our country.

Although there are many theories concerning this man’s horrific death (including numerous conspiracy theories), the bottom line is that every part of this story from the police action to the resulting protest and riots are the result of humanity’s sinful nature. The Bible says, “All have sinned…”Romans 3:23.

The problem within mainstream secular psychology however, is that there is no real defined moral base or ethical value such as the Bible from which to standardize such a study of an individual’s thoughts, feelings and behavior. Sadly, people, especially our youth no longer attend church or even believe in God.

As a result, apart from fluctuating statistics in comparison analysis of the same given criteria among ones peers or an established psychological norm (at any given moment) there is no established standard for people to follow, so if one person does a certain thing and it seems right to another person, then the same action is repeated.

Regardless of one’s philosophical, political, religious or psychological view, we have all been dissatisfied, disappointed or even frustrated by people either within or outside our social and family circle and we have asked the question or variation thereof, “What is wrong with people?”

It is time for this destructive behavior going on throughout our country to stop.
Either a strong rational behavioral modification must be attempted or a more radical consequence utilized to force these adult children to relinquish their riotous and dangerous actions.

Let me emphasize that I do not desire any further hurt, death or destruction but the recent riotous actions must stop and not be allowed to continue.

Let us pray that the Holy Spirit will give strength and comfort to our president along with the wisdom to make right and Godly decisions and may God intervene to destroy the demonic powers which have possessed those committing these heinous acts.

For more, read my series from 2018 on Drtruthman Counseling, “What is wrong with people?”
Links below:

© 2020 Lee W. Outlaw III, PhD
