The age old question returns: “What is wrong with people?”

Riot/Protest in Minneapolis What is wrong with people? by Dr. Lee Outlaw With the death of George Floyd in the news, the age old question returns: “What is wrong with people?” In general the question seems to be both cross generational and cross cultural but overall the intricacy of the question can be broken down as follows: The negative behavior of people (both individually and within any group) seems to be a result of the following: 1. People don’t think things through thoroughly 2. People generally tend to take the easy way out 3. People tend to care more about themselves than the greater good of others 4. People tend to care more about themselves than the law 5. People tend to care more about themselves than God and their faith 6. People care more about feelings than consequences 7. People tend to believe the unbelievable but can’t believe in an all knowing and all powerful God. In the area of psychology, we refer to this study of pe...