What is the truth?
by Lee Outlaw, PhD As I begin this article, let me say from the onset, I am not a medical doctor, however as my own GP recently reminded me, I am a Doctor of Psychology and my counsel and opinion are valuable and I should never apologize for being a doctor; no matter what my specialty. I should also point out however, that I did work for a very large Pharmaceutical Company in my twenties and I learned a lot about medical research, trial studies and test subjects. Never in the history of our country has the question of “What is the truth” been more important with all the concern about Covid-19 and the Delta Variant. Over the past month, I have seen four separate doctors; each for different reasons; 3 specialists and my GP. Each ask if I had one of the Covid-19 vaccines and each volunteered their own thoughts on why I should consider getting the vaccine since for various reasons I have not gotten vaccinated which I will later go into. Only one of the four doctors was insistent that I sho...